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During the first marking period, kindergartners will be learning to echo and use their singing voices.  They will also practice how to keep a steady beat and perform it on classroom instruments, mainly the bass xylophone and the bass metallaphone.

First graders will also practice their steady beat skills on classroom instruments, mainly the bass xylophone and the bass metallaphone.  In addition, they will review the four different voice channels (speaking, singing, whispering, and calling) and aurally identify them on a multiple-choice assessment.

Second graders will also practice their steady beat skills on classroom instruments, mainly the bass xylophone and the bass metallaphone.  They will also sing several melodies which include the  mi-so-la pattern of intervals.  In addition, they will review how to read rhythms, which include the quarter note and eighth notes, as well as the quarter rest.  A reading assessment will take place during the first half of the marking period.  A matching intervals singing assessment will take place during the second half of the marking period.

Third graders will start learning how to play the recorder, beginning the first full week of October.  They will be responsible for knowing how to play the pitches B and A during this marking period.  A performance assessment will take place during the last part of the marking period.  In addition,  they will review how to read rhythms, which include the quarter note, eighth notes, and the half note, as well as the quarter and half rests.  A reading assessment will take place during the first half of the marking period.

Fourth graders will review how to play the notes B, A, and G on the recorder during this marking period.  A performance assessment will take place during the last part of the marking period.  In addition, they will review how to read rhythms, which include the quarter note, eighth notes, the half note, the dotted half note, and sixteenth notes, as well as the quarter and half rests.  Lastly, they will learn how to use math in music as they learn musical ties.  An assessment of ties will take place during the first half of the marking period.

Fifth graders will review how to play the notes B, A, G, and C on the recorder during this marking period.  A performance assessment will take place during the last part of the marking period.  In addition, they will review how to read rhythms in 6/8 meter, which include three eighth notes, beamed together, a quarter note followed by an eighth note, a dotted quarter note, and a dotted quarter rest.  A reading assessment will take place during the first half of the marking period.

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